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Here is a brief explanation of some of the questions you may have about WWWBoard.
This board is so you can have some fun, and talk Elite, articles in the Frontier News, and anything else that's on your mind. Off-topic messages are OK, so long as they fall in the common bounds of decency. Can I put html tags anywhere in my posts? No. However, if you want to include an image, the form gives you the option of putting in the URL for that image. Why are there colons in the message when I try to post a followup? Colons appear in the message dialog box when you try to followup up on a message to indicate that those lines are quoting the previous document. The owner of the WWWBoard can decide whether they wish to enable or disable the quoting of previous messages. Your post most likely did not show up, because your browser did not reload the page, it simply pulled it out of cache. Please reload your browser and it should then appear. Where can I get the scripts for this program? The scripts are written in Perl and created by Matt Wright. They are free to anyone who wishes to use them and you can get them as well as other scripts at: http://worldwidemart.com/scripts/. The scripts have been modified somewhat to fit AliothNet's style, using my standard AliothHtml perl module. Enjoy!