AJN Shield   The composition of the AJN fleet is highly varied due to the nature of the systems who contribute. Ships sourced from Federation and Imperial shipyards serve, as well as indigenous models. Virtually all of the fleet is made up of ships that are available to civilian pilots. The main difference is in the equipment. The AAAI shipyards have designed special equipment that fits the target ship precisely, allowing for much higher equipment levels than the civilian equivalent, which is fitted with generic components (which of course helps keep the cost down, so the honest bounty hunter can afford the ship). The tradeoff for the military is that their ships are much more expensive to equip!

  All AJN ships are fitted with drive technologies that were developed in the historic Turner's Quest mission to find the Thargoids. (We can neither confirm or deny that any equipment has Thargoid technology enhancements of course). This guide to AJN ships in space should tell you all you need to know about the cutting edge technology the AJN applies to keep the Alliance safe from the rabid Empire and predatory Federation forces. If you want to fly ships with our specs, please visit an AJN Recruiting Office...we'll be glad to help!


  All craft serving with the AJN have a distinct registration marking (except FGA variants which require good camoflague). You can tell who owns the ship quickly from its registration. The registration comprises of the system name, the AJN shield with the system flag instead of the three planet motif and the system motto. Ship data is usually located on a small plate directly below the shield. Here is an example of a ship registration, taken from the Victor class ship "Warspite".

Alioth registration


  A quick word about variant designations because there's often a little confusion. The format is as follows - a letter grouping that designates the role, followed by a number which designates which design draft this particular variant came from. For example, if you tell someone "I saw a great AJN FGA.1 out there today", they won't be able to tell if you meant a Saker FGA.1 or a Cobra FGA.1 unless you actually tell them the ship name. Here's a list of what the variant letters mean:

Most supply vessels are also designed to be refuellers too, so you'll see the KC designation for them. T variants always have enough space for an instructor. Usually they are 2 seat versions of the single seat types. The distinction between FGA and GR is so blurred that the AJN has contemplated getting rid of the GR designation altogether and making all GR's FGA's.