Anayol is a quintuple system. Anayol A is a red giant star, no longer on its main sequence and coming close to the end of its life. Anayol B is a main sequence, type M star that orbits A as if it were a planet. Anayol C and D are almost like a binary system to themselves, consisting of two main sequence type M red stars orbiting each other, but ultimately orbiting Anayol A. Finally, Anayol E is another main sequence type M star, orbiting Anayol A. None of the planets are remotely suitable for terraforming. Even though Solo's Grave is quite warm with its close orbit, it is simply far too miniscule and is soaked by hard radiation from Anayol E.
Scientists have long been curious about the Anayol system. It is quite unusual to have four main sequence stars orbiting an ancient red giant. It is postulated that the other stars may have been a quadruple system that was moving in the direction of Anayol A, to eventually be captured in its gravitational field. Not all scientists are convinced of this at the moment, and research continues.
There is very little of note in this system outside of the astronomical curiosities. Nearly all of the industry here is based around mining the planets and asteroids since useful minerals are still abundant. The civilian government was formed specifically so that the system could join the Alliance. The system itself was only relatively recently colonised. The first industries arrived in the system in 3186.
The Anayol Customs and Excise department take their jobs quite seriously. There are several types of products that are illegal to trade in the system: