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It seems like the Federation just won't let go when it comes to Phekda. Only a few short weeks ago, they attempted to take Phekda in cahoots with the Empire (a leaked document gives ample evidence that the Empire and Federation staged a fake conflict to try and justify taking Phekda - see issue 13). This was to take advantage of the military fuel production possibilites offered by the small planet, Phekda 1. Understandably, the Phekda government is not very happy with the Federation. The Federation approached the government two weeks ago to try and get exploitation rights for the Federal-government owned company, FedFuels. Phekda has already allowed the Sirius corporation and Energis Fuels of Miandin exploitation rights. However, they flatly refused to even talk to FedFuels, let alone allow them to set up a military fuel factory. It looks like the Federation won't take "no" for an answer, and is now threatening unspecified economic sanctions against Phekda. The Federation also contacted the AIS Department of Commerce to try and persuade the Alliance to make Phekda allow FedFuels to set up their production facility. The AIS DOC told FedFuels that they would have to deal with Phekda directly. Chris Carter, the Secretary of Commerce told the News, "The Federation don't seem to understand that the word 'independent' in the Alliance of Independent Systems means that the Alliance administration does not intefere with an individual system's business dealings". Furthermore, the Alliance warned the Federation that it will not tolerate one of its members being bullied, and if the Federation attempted a trade sanction that goes against the spirit and letter of the 3265 Free Trade Treaty, the Alliance would swiftly respond. An AIS spokesbeing told the News, "We hope the Federation back down on their ridiculous demands. You would have thought that they might get the hint after they were driven off Phekda by military means".
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So far, the attacks have been limited to the city of Austin. The AIS 27th Tactical Division and the Federation's 4th Peacekeeper Division are now using their powers under the 3255 Valhalla Agreement to arrest the PDRP's troublemakers. This has understandably made the peacekeepers even less popular with the group. Several pitched battles have been fought between the PDRP and the peacekeepers, and the casualties are now coming in. Three members of the 27th were seriously injured, and one member of the 4th was killed during a particularly violent clash with the PDRP. The weapons embargo still in force around Valhalla at least limited the fight, with the PDRP having to resort to attacking peacekeepers with crude incendiary devices called "petrol bombs". The peacekeepers were forced to open fire with their standard issue weapons, and not surprisingly, several PDRP members were killed. The PDRP issued a statement denouncing the "imperialist" actions of both the AIS and Federation. It is ironic to consider that the organization then asked the Empire to help their cause. The Empire has so far declined to respond or comment.
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The ASC (Alliance Science Council) yesterday opened their new research facility, the Joreb Innitu Alien Research Laboratory. Named after the prominent Thargoid researcher, who was viciously assasinated in 3252 before he could finish his research, the labs will be used to gain an understanding of non-human intelligent life forms. So far, the Thargoids are the only race that humanity has made meaningful contact with. However, other races obviously exist (as shown by the two LRA artefacts), and evidence has been found in the past for civilizations that collapsed before humanity had evolved past the knuckledragger stage. The research facility - more than just static laboratories - will be where future ASC alien life missions will be directed, and the results of the missions will be analysed. These missions have been up until now directed from the Stellar Science faculty of the Ackwaze Deep Space Science University. The new facility will allow the stellar science faculty to expand its core research programs - especially important since it is expected that a stellar event is likely to occur in the Enfada system (-7, 32) in the near future.
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There are more journals out this week! Matt Fossa has added Chapter 13 of Pritchard's adventure. The "blue" has finally worn off, but Pritchard finds himself grossly overcharged for some repairs, which leads to him getting to meet an old acquaintance. Over at the Acorn Elite site, Simon Challands has a couple of new chapters of Aftermath, which is shaping up to be an excellent story. This time the outlaw and her GalCop minder meet some soldiery... Unfortunately, the AliothNet webmaster has been very busy this week, so no new updates of Commander Winston's latest story - but hopefully a new chapter will be ready by next week. Meanwhile, it looks like the Frontierverse is set to change... again! All that the Frontierverse's news page says is that the change will happen on May 1st. Also, Krzysztof Kania is after a wish list for his Elite 4 site, the "Frontier News Broadcasting System". Sadly, David Braben will probably not be watching, but never mind. Finally, AliothNet has got a new guestbook. Sadly, the htmlgear guestbook was proving a little unreliable (often timing out when you tried to read it or go to make an entry), we replaced the guestbook with one of our own. It also means that banner advertisments are now permanently banished from our site. Please go to the Contacts page on this site and sign it today!
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