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If you've read my Combat guide, you will have already have seen my lament about how people just don't know how to fly when they arrive at TSCA - not due to lack of aptitude or intelligence - they just haven't learned how to fly relative to other objects in the vacuum of space. This is why a bounty hunter who learns how to fly properly in the vacuum of space before engaging in combat will be at a simply massive advantage. I really can't stress this more. I will now try to explain in detail the whole concept of flying relative. I'm constantly amazed by how many people saying "Oh, you're going so fast you can't steer and intercept the enemy ship" after a combat experience in deep space. Why do people say this? It's because they've grown up planetside and have never been really confronted with relative movement in this way before. It is not a hard concept to grasp, and once the concept is grasped, it just requires practise to use this knowledge in a way that makes you an Elite combateer. Of course, having "space dust" switched on in your HUD display does not help either - it just causes confusion most the time. Switch it off, it's tacky anyway! For our first exercise, we'll consider chasing a cargo container. A good way to do this is to buy a tonne of rubbish, fly to some unpopulated area where you won't get fined for dumping and jettison the said item. Since there is a saying "a picture says 1000 words", let's consider this. We've found a piece of rubbish near Nirvana. We want to get close to it and blow it up to keep Phekda tidy. It's currently a few k's away, and we want to get within a few meters, because the explosion is much better when you're close...
![]() So you are now in the vicinity of the object. This is the situation. You are hurtling towards Nirvana at a speed of 28,000 kilometers per second. The common misconception that people have is that they are going so fast, they can't change course to intercept the rubbish. This is 100% WRONG! The rubbish is *also* hurtling towards Nirvana at 28,000 kps! It is utterly unimportant how fast you are going relative to Nirvana. You could be doing half the speed of light relative to Nirvana - it wouldn't matter one whit (unless, of course you are about to get a faceful of planet, but we'll ignore that for now. Combat usually occurs far enough away from any planetary or stellar mass that this is not a concern). What matters is your relative speed to the rubbish. In this case, it's a sedate 10 meters per second. By judiciously firing your thrusters you can manoevre your ship anywhere you want *relative to the rubbish*. You'll still be hurtling along (either towards or away from, depending where the planet is) towards Nirvana, but who cares. Your sole concern is the lump of rubbish you're about to vaporise with your laser. To manoevre relative to the rubbish, think what direction relative to the rubbish firing your thrusters will move you. For instance, if the rubbish is moving across your screen to the left, what do you have to do to stop it? Simple, you have to add some velocity in that direction. Turn your ship so that the rubbish appears directly to the right on the scanner. Quickly fire your thrusters (and I mean quickly - just a small correction) and turn round to face the rubbish again, and see what change it had. Experiment with things like this until you can do it without even thinking. OK here's an exercise for you to do. Follow these instructions to practise:
Enough talk; here's a demonstration.
Try and get in the positions shown relative to an object - see how much drift you can eliminate, and how close you can stay to a small object. It takes some practise. As a more advanced exercise, go to a dangerous system and blow a pirate up. Try and do the same exercise with the metal alloys or any cargo that flies out of the exploding ship. Remember to turn your engines off (once the danger has passed in combat, the computer turns the engines on again). Of course engines off is a misnomer - the engines are still actually on, they are just under manual control, not computer control. Another thing to note is the "second sight" on your screen may not necessarily come into view. This is because it's showing your vector relative to Nirvana in this case, and not the cargo cannister. Ignore this sight anyway - it doesn't indicate your vector relative to anything you care about whilst in combat.
So you've sorted yourself out with the lump of rubbish. Here's an advanced exercise that'll really teach you how to fly with the engines in the "Off" position, as you do whilst in combat. The idea is simple, but rather more difficult to accomplish. If you thought that docking manually in original Elite was hard, or as "Your Sinclair" said back in those days "If you think three point turns are difficult, try docking"... then you'll find yourself in a whole new world of challenge here. Here's the assignment: - Starting at least 20,000 km from a space station, dock with it manually. With the engines set to OFF for the whole task! Remember...engines OFF! You should be proficient with the Rubbish container before you even attempt this. A rubbish container will just bounce off your hull... hitting the space station can be a bit more problematical! The principles are exactly the same as with the rubbish container, of course. However, the Relative To: speed meter will eventually lock onto the space station. To make it more challenging, stick a Post-It note over the speed meter. (Actually, I once did this exercise, and the speed meter remained locked onto the planet - it never locked onto the space station!) The fact that you probably won't be in precisely the same orbit as the space station (and so the planet's gravity will change your course a different amount than the space station) helps with the challenge. I'll demonstrate the procedure.
If you've mastered these two, then go and do some combat. An additional proficiency exercise that will help your combat skills further is to do the following. When you next encounter an opponent in a ship that's the same speed or slower than you, try and fly formation with it. I'm not joking! Make sure no-one else is shooting at you, then anticipate his moves, get behind him, and try and stay in-trail for as long as possible. With practise, you should be able to do this indefinitely. However, it does take patience and practise. Don't give up! To be able to do this you need to know when, how long and where you need to burn your main or retros without even thinking about it. You have to understand on a deep, subconscious level how manoevering in space works if you have any hope of being a good combateer!